Lenten Journal – Feb 27

Psalm 51:1-4

Oof, this scripture is scary. The psalmist is telling God to pass an judgment and condemn with any sentence deemed necessary, but then I remember that the love and mercy from God that I receive isn’t scary. It is comforting. It is a relief. To come clean and accept punishment among my peers would be light-years away from the open arms that God has when I come forward with my wrong-doings. That’s Sunday school stuff right there.

Jonah 3:1-10

When Jonah went to Nineveh and told them that God would overthrow the city the people, their leader included, really took it seriously to repent and to show God their remorse and to humble themselves. God took notice of their sincerity and with mercy rescinded the promised destruction. Sometimes I think I need a fire lit under my butt to get me to do something or even just to realize how serious someone is. But I’m not sure what I’m being asked to repent for or stop doing. Maybe it is the distance or my attitude about other people. I should be kinder than I am, less easily annoyed and jaded. My attitude gets in the way of radically loving people. It always has.

My Prayer:

God, if I need to be kinder and gentler and more radical with mercy like you, I know you’ll make it clear. Honestly, you’ll probably smack me in the face with it. But here I am now, acknowledging my attitude and my interpersonal issues. I can and should and will do better. Thank you for the nudge and giving me every chance. Amen.

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